Homemade Pumpkin Spice Creamer!!


So are you one of those people that CANNOT wait till fall hits so you can get your
Pumpkin Spice Latte on!! πŸ˜›


As you know most of the coffee shops only have this Pumpkin Spice Syrup during the fall and maybe into the winter???

I don’t know because I am not one of those people πŸ˜›

But it doesn’t mean I don’t want to get on the “Band Wagon” and make my own…LOL!!

So many recipes have been flying around the internet, so I decided I would give it a try…

And let me tell you it turned out DELICIOUS!!!!!!!

I kind of shock myself…LOL πŸ˜›

So of course I dug into my spices to find the hidden Pumpkin Pie Spice in the back from the fall before LOL and finally can open one of the two large can of pumpkin pure, again from the fall before 😦

Okay so what else…I found some sweetened condensed milk and now I just needed cream, but I didn’t want to use cream, so I settled for half n half.

Okay I think I am ready to go and this is how it all went.



in a saucepan, pumpkin, milk and spice


stir that up, then stir in the half n half


cook on med-high
okay I will confess, I had in on med-high, but I was trying to do other things as well, and I may not have been stirring it the whole time…hence it started to burn on the bottom, when I went back to it, and started whisking like a mad women, black bits started to surface. Β I may have cursed that this time, but I turned it down to low and kept on whisking until it thickened a little, then I let it cool for 5 minutes

Once I tried it was AWESOME!! It tasted like Toasted Pumpkin Marshmallow πŸ™‚
I thought Holy Crap I just added another flavor dimension…WOOO HOOOO!!!!! LOL πŸ™‚


It does get a little darker as it thickens


now you have strain this through a fine mesh strainer,
and take the back of a spatula and force the mixture through the
strainer by moving the spatula back and forth




this is what you will have left in the strainer


after I let the mixture cool in the fridge,
I poured it into 2 little mason jars



This will keep in your fridge up to 2 weeks
if it last that long πŸ™‚ LOL


My Pumpkin Spice Cappuccino


I added to my mug, about 2 Tbsp. pumpkin mixture
2 Tbsp. creamer and stir it up


Then I frothed that



Then I add my espresso



and to finish it off I sprinkle a little
Pumpkin Pie Spice on top…it was just Yumm!!!


Now you can just mix it into your regular coffee,
as I did at the office this morning πŸ™‚




As I talk to some of the ladies this morning, I started coming up
all kinds ideas to do with this mixture besides to put in your
coffee…oh a can wait to get back in the kitchen…stay tune!!!


Homemade Pumpkin Spice Creamer

  • Difficulty: easy
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1 cup pure pumpkin puree
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/2 cup half n’ half, or cream or whole milk

Whisk everything together in a saucepan, cook over med-high, whisk until mixture thickens
and darkens a little. Β Like I said above, let it burn a little and it will give it a toasted flavored, I felt
like that added such good flavor.

Pour mixture through a fine mesh strainer, take a spatula and force mixture through the strainer by going back and forth. Β Pour mixture into a jar or container and keep refrigerated for up to two weeks if it last that long…LOL Β Mind didn’t πŸ˜›

Add as much or as little to your coffee or tea and sit back and enjoy!!


19 thoughts on “Homemade Pumpkin Spice Creamer!!

  1. I had the honor of trying this and it is AWESOME! It is so easy and simple to make which makes even better…Thanks Chef Amy for sharing! Love the step by step pics πŸ˜‰

  2. Oh yum. you know I have to admit I have never tried a pumpkin spice latte or coffee with pumpkin spice. I have to try this, it really does sound amazing, Love the happy mistake also, that would be me too multi tasking and letting it get a bit charred on the bottom. It actually would be considered a bit healthy too pumpkin is good for you, like a warm or hot pumpkin smoothie. YUM!!

  3. I love coffee and I have tried pumpkin spice but I don’t always love it, so this looks amazing! I love home made and finding a way to add your own touch! Some times getting a drink like this at a coffee place it tastes artificial! This sounds sooo good, I will have to give this a try! totally yumm for me!!

    • You are right Lynz some of them do taste artificial, and I thought about this when the hype on the news that the pumpkin coffee did not have pumpkin in it, so I just wanted to make it as simple as possible and it turn out really tasty!!! Thank you again and thank you for retweeting this one too!! xoxo πŸ™‚

  4. Looks like a brilliant idea. I don’t drink coffee so the whole PSL hype is lost on me. I do, however, enjoy all things pumpkin and think this might even be good in hot chocolate.

  5. Pingback: Homemade Pumpkin Spice Creamer!! β€” Come Cook With Me – Once Upon a Spice

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