Strawberry Bruschetta

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A friend of mine was coming over because we were going to go see Theresa Caputo – The Long Island Medium.  She was in town doing a show, and if you know who she is or watch her show then you know who I’m talking about, no we did not get read.
But the show was much more then that, it was great experience and I’m happy for the people who came and might have gotten a glimmer of hope and peace.

And since we were not going to be having dinner, I thought maybe a little appetizer and a glass a wine before hand would be nice.

I had been thinking of this recipe and how I wanted to make it a little different then other recipes…well it came to me…maple syrup 🙂

(you can see from the pictures I cut the recipe in half, the recipe below is the full recipe)



Dice the strawberries


add balsamic vinegar and maple syrup

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add a pinch of salt and stir, let set for 1 hour

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add maple syrup to ricotta and a pinch of salt, stir

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Slice your baguette, brush with olive oil, bake to brown

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till light brown


stack your basil leaves on top of one another, and roll like a cigar

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Ready to assemble 


spread ricotta, then top with strawberries

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then basil….One done 🙂


The rest done 🙂


Recipe – makes 18 – 20 pieces

14 strawberries, diced (1 1/4 cup)
2 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. maple syrup
2 tbsp. good balsamic vinegar
 couple pinches of salt (I used Kosher)
1 cup ricotta cheese 
18 – 20 slices of a baguette
olive oil
Fresh Basil, chopped

In a small bowl add diced strawberries, vinegar, 2 tbsp. maple syrup and a pinch of salt, stir to fully coat all the strawberries, set aside for for 1 hour, stirring about every 20 minutes. You can leave longer, the strawberries will start to release their juices, this is a good thing since we will be using all the left over juice.

In another small bowl add ricotta and remaining maple syrup, along with a pinch of salt, stir to fully combine, keep in refrigerator until ready to use.

Take slices of baguette and brush with olive oil and bake on a baking sheet at 400 degrees until lightly brown.   Let cool.

Putting them together, divide ricotta among the slices of bread and spread over top, top ricotta with strawberries, but try not to get too much of the juice, you can drain, but reserve the juice for a tip later in this post.

Take you basil leaves and stack them on top of one another and roll like a cigar, take your knife and slice roll (like in photo above), this is called Chiffonade.

Top the strawberries with a few pieces of the basil and serve with the beverage of your choice…ours was some Sweet Strawberry Wine 😛

These were so delicious, what great appetizer for a party or a great dessert after a summer meal.  It’s light and it really it the spot 🙂


Okay now I told you to keep the juice from the strawberries…which is now Strawberry Maple Balsamic Vinegar
Which you can put on a salad like I did, or you can whisk in a 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil as well and toss with your lettuce or mixed greens.
This would be great on a salad with sliced strawberries and candied pecans too!!

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Grapefruit Tart

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Grapefruit Tart

1 ¾ cup old fashioned oats
¾ cup AP flour
½ cup brown sugar, packed
3 tbsp. grapefruit zest, divided
1 tbsp. fresh ginger, minced or I use a zester
½ tsp. salt
1 stick unsalted butter, melted

2 pkg. cream cheese, softened
½ cup sour cream
¼ cup brown sugar
3 Texas grapefruit (red), segments only,place between paper towel to collect extra juice
1/3 cup pecans, toasted and chopped
Maple syrup for garnish

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
In a food processor, pulse oats, flour, brown sugar, 1 ½ tbsp. grapefruit zest, ginger and salt, with machine running drizzle butter into mixture until it clumps.
Press mixture into the bottom and up the sides of a 9 inch tart pan or spring form pan will work.  Bake crust until firm about 20 minutes, let cool to room temperature.
For the filling, combine cream cheese, sour cream, remaining grapefruit zest and brown sugar; mix with hand mixer on medium until smooth.
Spread mixture over crust evenly, and then top with grapefruit segments in rows to cover.
Chill if not serving immediately; remove from refrigerator 30 minutes before serving.
Then sprinkle with pecans and drizzle with maple syrup, slice and serve