Blueberry Crumb Bars!!


These Blueberry Crumb Bars turned out so delicious!!!

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I was invited to a luncheon and I wanted to bring something for everyone to take home and enjoy!! And I really must say they are very tasty 😛

So I made Blueberry and I made Raspberry, I wrapped them up in this cute matching wax paper and bags along with cute stickers all from Michael’s…don’t you just love Michael’s!! 🙂

photo 4

I had such a great time visiting with the ladies, one of the ladies “Val” just moved into a new high rise along the river that over looks downtown Cincinnati and her place was just exquisite!!!!

photo 5

I tried to take a “selfie” I am not very good, but sun was shining and it was hard to see, I was trying to get the Reds Great American Ball Park in the background too 😛

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I met these wonderful ladies through a friend of mine Robin, we both used to work for the same company and we remained in touch and good friends.  She had me cater a few parties at her house so that is how I got to know this group of lovely ladies.


So “Thank you Val” for including me and I hope all the ladies enjoyed the bars.  I know I had a great time!!! 🙂

I hope you all make these bars for your friends or family!!

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Blend in processor

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photo 2 (7)

Blended, pour into sprayed baking dish

photo 5 (6)


press down all over and bake

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photo 2 (5)


Filling ingredients

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since I made both I used this one for the raspberry

photo 1 (8)

spread over top of crust

photo 3 (4)

photo 4 (4)

blueberries and flour

photo 3 (5)

toss together

photo 4 (5)


sprinkle on top of jam and crust

photo 5 (4)

Ingredients for topping

photo 1 (5)



pulsed 🙂


sprinkle over top the blueberries and bake

photo 3 (3)

Done and ready to cool

photo 4 (3)

photo 5 (3)

photo 4 (2)

photo 1 (2)


Blueberry Crumb Bars

  • Servings: 9-16
  • Difficulty: easy
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3/4 c. all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 c. powdered sugar
6 tbsp. unsalted butter, cold and cut into pieces


1 pint blueberries or “3” 6 oz. containers of raspberries, about 2 cups
2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
1/3 cup blueberry jam or raspberry if using raspberries

Crumb Topping

1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
4 tbsp. unsalted butter, cold and cut into pieces

Preheat over to 375 degrees and spray or grease an 8×8 baking dish.

Crust – combine, flour, powdered sugar, salt and butter, place in a food processor or use a pastry blender until butter is the size of small peas.  Sprinkle mixture into the bottom of the baking dish and press down evenly and bake 12 minutes.

Filling – if the jam you are using is thick and is not spreadable then place into a small sauce pan and heat jam to make spreadable, you can use the microwave as well.  Pour the berries in a large bowl and sprinkle flour over top and gently toss to coat them.

Once the crust is done, spread jam evenly over the crust, crust will be warm so the jam does warm up and makes it easy to spread. Sprinkle berries over top the jam, any left over flour in the bottom of the bowl can be just sprinkle evenly over the berries.

Crumb Topping – in food processor add flour, brown sugar and butter, pulse mixture until crumbly, then sprinkle over top the blueberries and bake 35 – 40 minutes.

Cool completely before cutting. Enjoy!!

This picture when I made both, I used bigger pans and doubled the recipe 🙂

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