Banana Cream Pie for Father’s Day


Banana Cream Pie – Happy Father’s Day Dad!!!

My Dads ultimate favorite thing is Banana Cream Pie, I make it for him on his birthday and Father’s Day…I know I should make it more often for him because he just absolutely loves it. I remember the last time was his birthday and I had stayed overnight and I woke up around 5:00am and there he was cutting himself a piece of pie. I had to laugh, so I started to make 2 cause the first one does not last the night.

So this is my Banana Cream Pie I make for my Dad.

Now I use a pre made pie crust, I know, I know I should make one from scratch but if you have time then you should for sure, but I don’t mind cutting that corner if I don’t have time.

First I bake my crust, then let it cool.

In the meantime I make the filling.

1/3 cup cornstarch
3 large egg yolks, keep whites to use in the meringue

1 ½ cup whipping cream
1 ½ cup whole milk
2/3 cup sugar
¼ tsp. Salt
1 ½ tsp. Vanilla
2 tbsp. Unsalted butter, softened

In a medium saucepan, whisk sugar, cornstarch and salt, then whisk in whipping cream, milk, then egg yolks. Cook over medium-high heat, whisking until custard thickens and just boils. Remove from heat and whisk in butter and vanilla and set a side.

Slice 3 large ripe bananas, put half the slices over the crust, then half the filling, rest of bananas ending with the rest of the filling, spread evenly. Set aside.

The meringue topping, I use a marshmallow topping, some will call it a 7 minute frosting.

¾ cup sugar, plus 2 tbsp.
1 tbsp. Light corn syrup
2 tbsp. Water
3 large egg whites, left over from the filling, room temp.

In a small saucepan, add sugar, corn syrup and water, cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until sugar has dissolved. Increase heat a little and insert in a candy thermometer until it registers 230 degrees.

In the meantime, using an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whisk egg whites on medium speed until soft peaks form, about 2 ½ minutes.

Gradually add 2 tablespoons sugar, once the syrup reaches 230 degrees, pour the syrup in a steady stream down the side of the bowl containing the egg white mixture with the mixer on medium-low speed.

Then beat on medium speed until cool 5- 10 minutes, the frosting should be thick and shiny.

Take frosting and put all of it on top of the banana and filling mixture, mound it up high and with the spreader, spread all the way to the edge of the pie crust.

Now since this is not really a meringue, I take my little crème brulee torch and torch the topping to make it look like a meringue.

Set in the refrigerator for at least 4-5 hours or longer to set. Slice and enjoy!!!